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How can I create a backup of my iPod?

Date added:
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Last revised:
Monday, 26 March 2012



My iPod is broken and needs to be sent in for repairs or I want to borrow it to someone else. I'd like to create a full backup of its content before doing so. How can i achieve this?


Easy as pie... Use "Backup/Cloning->Create a Backup". Now select the iPod you want to backup and a directory where to store it. That's it!

If you want to restore the iPod, use "Backup/Cloning->Restore Backup", select the directory where you stored your backup and select the iPod on which you want your backup to be restored. Warning! All data on the target iPod will get lost!

You can also "abuse" the backup feature to create different "iPod profiles". If you share your iPod with your friends or family, each of you can use his/her own backup and restore it to the iPod, whenever he/she needs it. You can also create music profiles (suitable for smaller iPods). Now, everytime you want to have some certain type of music on your iPod, simply restore the "profile backup" to your iPod and you're good to go.

A backup can be used as a "virtual" iPod. This comes in handy if you want to restore single tracks or playlists from a backup. Use "Backup/Cloning->Load Backup as iPod", select the directory that contains your backup and load it. You'll see the backup showing up in JakPod, as if it would be a real iPod.

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