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How do I load music onto my iPod?

Date added:
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Last revised:
Monday, 26 March 2012


How do I load music onto my iPod?

Anser: You have two options:

Option 1 (for the impatient):

Start Jakpod, select the iPod and start loading up music by dragging files from a Windows Explorer window or any other file manager supporting Drag&Drop.

Option 2 (the conventional way):

  • Use "File->Add Files to Local Library" or press F3
  • Select one or more directories/files and click on "Open"

Now all selected directories/files will be visible in JakPod's local library. Select all files you want to copy to your iPod and choose the target iPod on the other side of the JakPod application window (one side shows your local library). Now use "Actions->Copy Selected Files", press F5 or just drag the titles to the target iPod (window area). This starts copying the selected files.

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