Installation Print
Monday, 23 February 2009 14:41

To install JakPod, you just have to extract the downloaded archive into a directory on your desktop PC where the user have read- permissions, an USB key or even the iPod itself. Use the included "jakpod.bat" (for Windows systems) or "" (any *NIX like system with Bash being your default shell) to start the application. If you want to put a shortcut on your desktop, you may use the included icon file ("Jakpod.ico").

On Windows systems you can download the JakPod setup to install JakPod interactive.

If not done yet, you'd have to install a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) first. You can download it here (first download on the list). If you need to figure out which version of Java is installed on your computer, see here (FAQ).

Last Updated on Thursday, 31 May 2012 15:34